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Re-born in Austin Texas

There are far too many beautiful things to mention about the Sacred Pregnancy Retreat in Austin that I would like to talk about my personal journey and what I got from my incredible time there.

From the moment I arrived, I felt ‘at home’ in such a stunning environment – beauty way was an understatement! I felt incredible warmth and nourishment from the moment I arrived to the day the magic sadly had to end. I had been wishing to be part of the Sacred journey for about a year when I finally took the plunge to join Anni at a live retreat and am so grateful I chose Austin to be my first.

I arrived with a hope to be trained in Sacred Pregnancy and Birth Journey so that I may bring back birth as a sacred event to my local community – it has been something I have been truly wanting for the past 4 years. I left finding my heart, being comfortable and feeling safe around a group of amazing women, knowing I CAN do this work, letting my walls and fears wash away. I am REBORN – I have the confidence and openness of a child again – an innocence where past hurts are forgiven and (almost) forgotten. They will not hold me back from the gift I am to this world and the work that I am most passionate about.

Having spent so much time and energy on courses spanning the past 20 years trying to find ME, I was not expecting Sacred Pregnancy to affect me so powerfully – I really feel free for the first time in my life. I have come back home with so much warmth – the training has profoundly changed the way I relate to others and it is wonderful – I had always thought I never NEEDED anyone in my life – I now know I want others in my life – that life is empty and meaningless without love. I have never been surrounded by such an amazing group of women before and we have shared each others pain, heartache, gifts, laughter and tremendous joy – what an honour! I am deeply privileged to have been included.

The themes that ran through my Sacred Pregnancy retreat were: dream, connection, gratitude, strength, mother and magic – I must say that every single one of these words had a magical power and have shifted my consciousness forever.

I am so grateful for Anni to have created this truly transformative movement and to Katie, Nicole and Jen for being so giving of their love, energy and nurturing spirits to all of us in Austin – we were so nourished – body, mind & soul.

I’m so looking forward to bringing this work to my local community in Sydney!

Georgie x

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